THE GUARDIANS

From Explanation No. 1

1. In the name of the Divine Master, the spiritual world of light salutes their brothers.

2. The Lord, announced in this Era by the prophets and by Jesus himself, has manifested His Spirit and has permitted His spiritual world of light to also manifest ourselves before Humanity, so that they may evolve and attain the goal of spirituality.

3. We come to the aid of the laborers of the Work of the Lord in this period, and we come among you with a delicate mission. It was prophesied that in this period, the Lord would come on a cloud, surrounded by his spiritual hosts, and by countless angels, and thus you can see that the prophecy has been fulfilled.

4. The Divine Master has shown you that in the Second Era He was the Son of Man, and now my brothers, many hearts have asked themselves: How could it be that the same Divine Word be the Son of Man?

5. I, as a spiritual being, can assure you that everything that He reveals to you is only the truth. Jesus, the Chaste One, was the promised Messiah, and as God, He was God Himself; that as man, He was born from the human gender.

6. Man is the human gender in his integrity, feminine and masculine, and Jesus, on given birth by Mary, was truly born of man, since in the femininity of the Holy Mother, there is also man.

7. In the body of Jesus, man did not intervene, as understood to mean a male child. The purity of the flesh of Mary was simply necessary as a sanctuary, and with respect to God, it was God himself who, by His divine will, germinated within her at the precise moment, the pure body of Jesus.

8. Behold, my brothers, how Mary did not lose Her virginity before or after having conceived Jesus, nor was the cold slab of the Holy Sepulcher able to hold down the body of the Divine Master at the end of His journey.

9. Mankind must not tear down the celestial mantle of Mary anymore with their doubts.

13. The mission of the laborer and all the people of Israel is very delicate, because the one who conveys and the one who receives are equally responsible. The first is responsible for the limpidity of what he delivers, regarding the spiritual work and care so that his preparation may attain the spiritual ideal, the sentiment, and the inspiration. The other is responsible for recognizing the intention, the profoundness, and the meaning of what he receives.

14. Therefore, all of you prepare yourselves equally so as to merge your spirit and elevate him to the Lord, so that in that way we can deliver and you may receive with all perfection, because each one of the words that we express through the mind of our guardians has a meaning, a motive.

17. Why should you feel inept, inferior, and incapable of doing what we do? The Lord placed in your spirit, as in ours, greatness, light, and the seed of perfection. The only thing that you lack is to educate the flesh with love; cultivate its sensitivity so that it will allow you to manifest all your gifts. Cultivate, then, the flesh with love; cultivate its sensitivity so that you can manifest your most delicate and noble feelings, the greatest that it possesses.

18. Within your spirit there is intelligence, there is sensitivity, there is grace. Manifest, then, these attributes through the flesh that the Lord has entrusted to you. Do not say that your physical body is imperfect, stubborn, or incomprehensive; that it is unable to hear the voice of its conscience and only wants to be guided by its free will. No, you are the spirit and the guide, and you must take care of the flesh and prepare it so that it can be an obedient instrument of the spirit, a kind spokesman of the sentiments and spiritual gifts that exist within each one of you.

19. If you know that you are part of the Divine spirit; if you possess the intelligence and the truth of the Father within your conscience, why should you follow other pathways away from the true Path?

20. You are receiving the Doctrine of the Father in a clear manner and in your own language and you are further given a sufficient explanation so that you may better understand these things.

24. The mission that the Lord has entrusted to you as guide, educator, pastor, or a family father, is delicate. The Lord delivers to you the hearts like virgin farmland so that they may be prepared in the best manner, awaiting its farming.

25. All the spirits have missions they must fulfill, but if they do not prepare themselves and allow themselves to be guided by adverse and strange ideas, what can they deliver? How can they influence, in a positive manner, the heart and mind of those who have been entrusted to their care?

From Explanation No. 10

1. My brothers: are you willing to fight to attain spirituality?

2. You have the assistance of your Father and the spiritual world of light. Do not weaken in the struggle, and may the lack of bread not frighten you, nor the contagion of illnesses, as repugnant as they may seem. You have not been asked to shed your blood or suffer hunger.

3. What is it then that could intimidate you?

4. Do not be afraid of others; be fearful of yourselves because it is within you that the betrayal may be hidden, where a weakness of the spirit may develop an unhealthy judgement or wrong interpretation.

5. Speak with love to all of those who cross your path, and touch their sensitive fibers with true intention, searching within each heart not its falsehood but rather its necessity.

6. Clarify the truth for them, to awaken and revive in them the life of grace, because you never know if that heart to whom you have given new life may succeed in moving a whole nation.

7. When you are cultivating the hearts of your brothers, push away from your mind all conflict or earthly suffering, so that at that moment you may only occupy yourself on the elevation, on the gifts of the spirit, and on imparting the good news.

9. In Jesus, the Only child of Mary, God Himself descended from His Kingdom, became man, and came to dwell and live among men, but that event was and is inscrutable, inexplicable even to us, the spiritual beings.

10. God did not come only to heal the corporal illnesses of man, to cure the leprosy, to bring back sight to the blind, to restore movement to the paralytic, or to make the dumb speak. That was not the purpose for the Word to become flesh, but He had to heal the sick physically in order to be believed, since the world and mankind believes in the outward miracle, in that miracle which impresses the senses and not in the spiritual marvel of a teaching of love.

13. The extenuating healing of the physical body, according to what God disposes, can only be obtained by means of purification; through the comprehension of the Word of the Lord, and by the regeneration of the flesh.

14. If the people had not wasted the time in abusing the material pleasures that the Lord granted them, they could very well have learned from us the material knowledge to heal the body, the healing faculties of the plants, the secrets of nature, and the goodness of a harmonious life with the elements: the sun, the air, the water, and the minerals.

15. The fundamental knowledge of the natural life, simple, without complications, could have been learned by you to be transmitted to the others, but that time was wasted.

16. Man has put aside the essence of life and the knowledge which, applied to their material life, could make the latter healthier and more pleasant.

17. And there you have them taking improper nourishments, ignoring the benefits that contribute to the balance of the body on drinking simple water, without regulating their hours and rest, giving in to excess, the pleasures of the flesh, allowing themselves to be dragged by lower passions and being dominated by the material worries which many times do not have the importance given them.

18. The uncleanliness, the disorder, the lack of moral and corporal hygiene, the laziness, the negligence, and the immorality, have brought man the diseases as a consequence.

19. The men of knowledge cannot seem to succeed in curing so much disease. The illnesses become more and more complicated and they are converting the medical science into a state of chaos.

20. If you would only understand that it is your bad habits and your indolence to spiritualize your life, which brings about maladies and all sorts of illnesses, you would not insist that we provide you with material medications. It is because the sufficient preparation has not existed within you, so that we may give you the spiritual fluid that could heal all those illnesses.

21. The Divine Master, in a recent Sunday teaching, announced to you that the time was very near when there would be a renovation of customs in all mankind and He did not refer only to the spiritual but also to the moral side of humanity in all its aspects. And the Lord prophesied that this movement would be initiated by the people of Israel.

22. There you have the responsibility of these people, which is to demonstrate to the world how to comply with the divine law, living it within the human life and: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's" as taught to you by the Divine Master in the Second Era.

23. To God must be rendered the fulfillment of love, of charity, and good will; the respect for one another; and the natural laws, order, the cleanliness, and everything that concerns the improvement and health of your body.

24. The Lord has placed in his Creation all the necessary elements for life and for health, but man departs from the righteous path, the pathway where life and health meet.

25. It is therefore, my brothers, imperative for Humanity to recognize the virtues that are enclosed within Nature in order to recuperate health in that inexhaustible fountain of divine love, present in all Creation: the natural and simple foods, the healthy labor, the moderate exercise, the good customs, the affection, and all the appropriate pleasures of the spirit.

26. If you teach this to Humanity, you will see a renovated man who, on following the righteous path, returns to life and health.

27. My brothers: teach each one to be a doctor for himself through the spiritual prayer, so that he can obtain the direct communication with the Divine Spirit who is the Doctor of all Doctors, and in those moments of trial is able to meet and ask Him for advice and the remedy for all his maladies for the spirit, as well as the body.

28. What can the children ask for their own good that the Father cannot grant? The Lord has told you this and we also say it: what can you ask from us for your benefit that we cannot grant?

29. 0! You laborers, who are the doctors of Humanity in the spiritual and even in the material! Remember that the health of the sick depends on the divine will, on your preparation, and on your faith.

35. The gift of healing is not beyond your reach, since the Lord has brought you a doctrine and a teaching accessible, practical, and comprehensible. But to develop the gift of healing as well as the other gifts of the spirit, you need good will, faith, and love.

36. Remember that in the order that the Lord gave in reference to healing, He told you that the materialistic healings will no longer take place in the houses of prayer where He communicates.

37. But do not be confused with the fact that through those healings surprising effects have been obtained. But, what is the reality of these things?

38. Your medical science has come closer to the knowledge of the curative virtues of the plants, which have the power of penetrating the human organism; to extract from the sick organism the most hidden tumors and toxins, removing, in that manner, the sickness which has overcome the body.

39. We can also tell you that the beings of darkness, the sickly spirits, the obsessive spirits, are saturated with evil influences, unhealthy influences that they deposit in incarnated beings, causing them sicknesses at the same time.

40. Those spirits, lacking of evolution, manipulate the physical bodies and exert an effect of suggestion over all those who leave room for them, through the threadlike fluids which every spirit possesses.

41. You know that there are persons who, without having anyone along the pathway who would call them for spiritual fulfillment, on recognizing that they are gifted with the curative power which every spirit possesses, they have developed their gifts freely and profit at the expense of others.

42. The Lord does not want that His spiritual world of light becomes materialistic or that you convert yourselves into thaumaturgists or charlatans.

43. What the Lord wants is that when Humanity, in pain, needy, starving, sickly, and destroyed by wars, comes near you, they find a fountain of crystalline waters which will calm their thirst.

From Explanation No. 25

23. My brothers, when spiritualism has become established on Earth, it will teach Humanity that it is not the hand of man which can build the Temple of the Lord, because wherever man finds himself, there the Temple will be.

24. Then man will know that all the children of the Lord live within the Temple of God, since this is His Creation, the infinite sphere in which will be found all natures, all the things made by the hand of the Lord.

25. All the things made by the Father are sacred: the dust that man treads upon is sacred, the things that man looks upon are sacred; everything that is found in your world; everything that surrounds you is sacred; what is found above and underneath you, and you yourselves, are sacred.

26. All things are altars that rise as an homage, a holocaust, an offering to the Creator; all things speak and sing the glory of the Lord, and when man comes to the true comprehension of all this, he cannot ever, on any path, in any place or moment, commit faults against love, against the Doctrine of the Father.

27. In this period, man still enters the houses of prayer in which they say they practice their creed, their religion, and they show a great withdrawal, their heads bowed, repentance on their lips, a respect in all their being, but once they leave there, each one feels free and away from the eyes of the Lord, with the right to commit faults and sin.

28. But the time will come, my brothers, when this Work will be established all over the Earth, and in which all men, by virtue of this teaching, will enter with spirituality, and on praying, analyzing, and understanding, will discover the great spiritual things that will give them joy and will elevate them, withdrawing forever from the paths of ignorance and from false cults.

29. Up to now, Humanity has gone through stages of great pain, but there are yet more bitter chalices, greater trials; there are still more profound exclamations of pain awaiting man than those which have up to now sprung from his heart.

It is necessary that you prepare yourselves so that you will not be among those numbers who will drain chalices so bitter; so that you will not be those who die of hunger and cold, of thirst and pain.

31. But once that dreaded time is here, and feeling yourselves protected within this Doctrine, do not remain indifferent before that universal suffering and the great trial that awaits Mankind, but because of your development, your comprehension, and spirituality, you will make sensitive all the fibers of your heart and spirit so that with serenity and faith, you will stop the pain of men along the road, working incessantly as good laborers, fighting like good soldiers, to bring them peace, and banish from them the war, the plague, and death.

From Explanation No. 26

4. The spiritual light is intelligence, it is reason, it is virtue, peace, and love; and when that peace, that love, that virtue, and that force comes to a spirit in need of them, they will be upon him like an illumination, like a dawn, like a flash of lightning, because at that moment the light of reason and the life of the spiritual invades that spirit.

5. All spirits possess that light to a greater or lesser degree without any exception, whether they are incarnated or disincarnated. However, that light becomes dim because of sinfulness, because of lower passions, for lack of compliance of the spiritual laws, for ignorance, and because of the adverse surroundings where man enters. But within the spirit, that flame of light always exists.

6. In all eras there has existed an infinite number of spirits of diverse levels in the Spiritual Realm, with different grades of spirituality: those who find themselves on the lowest rung of the scale due to their confusion, have always tended to seek human beings, overwhelmed by the burden of their materialism.

7. God has permitted that those spirits, who are in need of human beings, descend among them to experiment and understand many things, to restitute, and make others do the same.

8. A great portion of those spirits comes in search of comfort, in search of light, of a hand that can help them, of an affection from a sensitive heart.

9. Those materialized spirits, needy and confused, have always surrounded Humanity, more so in this era of the Holy Spirit, in which He, with His divine key of love and light, has opened the doors of the Spiritual Realm to give way to the communication among the spirits themselves and between them and their Creator.

10. The spirits in need descend in this period upon all nations, all towns, the homes, invading the countryside, surrounding all men and all living beings; and whatever they contemplate and hear, is what they will receive from Humanity.

11. If they enter a den of iniquity, their confusion will be greater and they will not receive the light. If, where they enter, there is an atmosphere of pain and desperation, they cannot receive any consolation whatsoever.

12. If, on the contrary, they come near brothers with good sentiments, with spirituality, or with manifested virtues, those spirits will be ridding themselves of their materialism, their bad tendencies, and will receive the light from those incarnated spirits.

13. If those spirits of darkness penetrate an atmosphere of spirituality, of fraternity, of prayer, and of faith, there they will receive the light, reason, peace, and strength.

14. The needy spirits of this period know that in the bosom of Humanity, there lives Israel, the people of God; the one who bears the mark of the Father during the three eras, the Trinitarian seal, the light of the Holy Spirit. Those enormous legions come hurrying among you to surround you, not always with the desire to receive light.

15. Among them, as it happens with human beings, there are spirits of diverse natures, and the mission that the Father has entrusted Israel in this Third Era is that of imparting the light to all spirits, the spiritual light which is reason, peace, consolation, truth, and strength. In other words, the light of love.

16. Have you practiced so delicate a mission in a correct manner, my brothers?

17. Israel has the duty in all eras, to give light to their brothers, until the last of the spirits has received it fully.

18. What light will a spirit receive from you if you do not feel the charity that you should impart to that spirit in need? What could you give if, at the moment that you are practicing your mission, your heart is not sensitized, nor your spirit elevated; if you have not meditated in what you are doing, if you have become materialistic or dominated by the human tendencies?

19. Instead of speaking to those spirits with love, you take into your hands the water that you call blessed and you wield it like a whip and take the name of the Almighty God to turn away those spirits.

20. Ah! My brothers! The only thing that you gain with all that is to offend and challenge them, and because of their same confusion they are not capable of forgiving those offenses; then they rise against you with even greater fury.

21. Instead of giving light, you will have imparted confusion, which is darkness.

22. We repeat, the light of the spirit is love, peace, charity, consolation, and strength.

23. When you find yourself surrounded by spirits in darkness, being in your home, along the pathway, or in your own person, how should you impart, in an effective manner, the light to those spirits?

24. Through your spiritual prayer; then, through your charity, and later, by practicing virtue, the good manners and morality in your life. And they who live among you and who see you incessantly, on contemplating that you are stronger in virtue than they are in evil, will began to yield, setting aside their bad inclinations on receiving the light.

25. Do not cast them away from your life and whenever possible attract them; do it with love, with charity, and then you will form around you an atmosphere of true spirituality.

26. And those beings who come near you to test your strength and the Doctrine you practice, on seeing themselves illuminated by the light of your love and your charity, will convert themselves into a barrier that will protect you; they will be your shield, your defenders and friends in your human existence; and when your spirit crosses the threshold of the Great Beyond, you will find yourself followed and blessed by those legions of spirits who will receive you with love and peace, and your spirit will be surprised contemplating them so full of light, the light that you were able to give them.

27. The greater part of the confused spiritual beings are so because they are not aware that they are already in a spiritual state; they retain the belief that they continue within the material world and persist in wanting to live as when they were human beings.

28. Though they are in spirit, they insist in believing they are human beings, because the impression left by the flesh in their spirit was very profound, very intense, due to their living submerged in the materialism, in the passions, in sin and fanaticism.

29. The ignorance they had while in their earthly existence, enveloped the spirit and the latter had no strength left on reaching that transition which you call physical death, to rid himself of that heavy load, that heavy burden.

30. Those spirits are worthy of the greatest charity, because they are not fully in the material world, as you are, nor are they fully in the spiritual valley, as we are.

31. They are beings who wander in a very painful situation, more so in their sadness. The spirit acquires experience, he evolves, and manages to comprehend that he has passed on into a different life. His prostration cannot be eternal and his confusion can be dispelled if he draws near a spirit, a heart obedient to the Law, to a laborer of the Lord.

32. When a confused spirit comes near one of your congregations and looks into the teaching of the Father, a turmoil takes place within him and in an instant takes control of himself and realizes that he is a spirit who belongs to another existence. From that moment on, he places himself obediently under the guidance of the spiritual world of light.

33. But not all spirits manage to lose their confusion on one single occasion and will have to return among you several times to learn and clear his bewilderment.

34. After 1950 we will continue imparting the light, in the spiritual realm as well as in the material, and you too, along your physical existence, will deliver that spiritual light to everyone.

35. And in what manner should we, at that time, render the light? We say again: with our love, with our virtue, with charity and the light that the Lord has deposited in our spirit.

36. Go forward, my brothers! Start putting into practice the gifts that the Father placed in your trust: the gift of speech, the gifts of intuition and of the inspiration; the gift of spirit to Spirit prayer, and the one of transporting your spirit to other regions, always carrying the message of peace, of love, and of fraternity.

From Explanation No. 29

4. In all periods, in all eras, in all the ages of Humanity, there has always been the significance, the meaning of the Seven Seals, although in symbolic form.

5. In the First Era, Israel experienced a great lesson in Egypt: during seven years this country enjoyed a great abundance, then was followed by seven lean years which had been announced by Joseph, son of Jacob.

6. In the far-advanced First Era, the people of Israel had seven great prophets.

7. When the Master was among you, He delivered the seven great parables of the Kingdom, and when He was hanging from the cross on which the incomprehension crucified Him, He bequeathed, as His last divine testament, the seven words.

8. Behold that always, from the First of the Eras to the last, the symbol of the Seven Seals has been present and latent in the spirit of Humanity.

9. When the eleven disciples were left without their Master, they extended, across the face of the Earth, the seed that He had entrusted to them: the seed of love, and they, along their journeys through Asia, founded seven churches, seven congregations that they visited, and when this was not possible, they ministered to them through doctrinal letters.

10. Those Seven Churches of Asia were also an image, a figure of the Seven Seals.

11. In that same period, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, permitted to reach an old age by divine will, was deported to an island and, in his loneliness, his spirit drew close to the Father.

12. Great was the spirituality that he attained and there, far away from the materialism of the world, he was able to hear the voices of the Arcanum and look into the Great Beyond.

15. John contemplated the One who is sitting on the Throne, holding in His Hand a great book sealed with Seven Seals.

16. In front of him also stood an angel, who spoke to him saying that neither in the Heavens nor on Earth was there a being worthy of untying those Seals or opening that book, and John, on hearing these words, cried with great distress.

17. But then he saw that a Lamb drew near, and was the one opening that book, untying its Seals from the first to the last.

18. That is the way John's vision began and what you call the Apocalypse; it was he, the first one, who spoke to Mankind about the Seven Seals; the apostle, the prophet, the spirit of great elevation, the disciple of Jesus, the advanced disciple of the Holy Spirit. He wrote what he saw and heard, and what he saw and heard were symbols and figures.

20. The sealed book with the Seven Seals is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and within it is found written the destiny of all the spirits, and the destiny of the people of God, Israel.

21. That book was closed, its content was a mystery; not even the great prophets, nor the theologians, nor the just of the first eras, knew the existence of that book, nor its name and much less its content.

22. Who, then, could open that book which is the wisdom of God Himself, and is the beginning and the end, the origin of all the spirits, and within which is written the lifetime of evolution, struggle, and perfection of all the spirits?

23. Who would have the spiritual capacity to open that book and show it as the light of the Universe?

24. Nobody, only God Himself, the sacrificed Lamb, Jesus the Messiah, in whom Christ incarnated in the Second Era. That is how He brought close to man the kingdom of the Heavens, so as to make them feel their Father more intimately, nearer and accessible. In this manner, God showed man that the love of the Father is before anything else; that the divine Spirit is the Universal Love, the same that governs and gives life to all things.

25. The love of God took to the flesh to become human, to establish a communication, by means of that love, between the heart of the son and of the Father.

26. God became similar to man, to weep like a man, to bleed like a human, to show Humanity of all eras, to demonstrate to Mankind the infinity of His love, and so that the spirit of man would know that their God, their Father cares for all His children, always loving them, suffering for them because the spirits, man, and all things, are something precious to the Father.

27. The worth of a spirit to God is infinite, a worthiness that He placed in him. And what is the price of that worth? The price of His blood, that blood by which He rescued the spirits from the darkness, redeeming them from their carnality and from perdition.

28. That price, that divine blood, fell upon each and every one of His children so that, from that instant, all would be in Him.

29. The consummation of the sacrifice, His vivid passion, and that most perfect ordeal of love on the cross, delivering Himself for the sake of others, was what succeeded in opening His own Spirit and His Divine Heart, His wisdom, and His Most High mysteries, for the spirit of His children.

30. In this way, Jesus the Christ, the Sacrificed Lamb, God Himself as man in the Second Era, prepared the spirit of Humanity, so that upon the advent of the Third Era, they would receive the light of the Holy Spirit, the light of the Seven Seals.

31. Each one of the Seven Seals represents one of the seven stages of the spiritual path through which all the spirits must travel to reach their destination, which is God.

32. The ladder of spiritual perfection which leads the spirits into the bosom of God, has an infinite number of steps, but those seven are the most important ones, of major significance; those seven stages which the spirit must cross along his journey of struggle, of evolution, of trials and a crucible toward perfection. They are a reflection and very clear example of the human life of incarnated spirits.

33. Here, within your own planet, without regard to race or culture, all men are governed by periods of time of seven days, and in your human history you have also had a journey and a spiritual existence of seven stages, from the first which had the knowledge of the true God, the living God, God the Creator, to the end of time.

34. In a teaching given by the Divine Master through a human spokesman, He pointed out each one of the seven stages that Mankind has journeyed during the three eras. Each one of those stages has been preceded by a messenger of the Father, and each one of those messengers has been the light for Mankind, a light that has been like a lighted candlestick in the darkness that has enveloped humanity in all eras.

35. Each one of those candlesticks are symbolic figures which are also contemplated by John.

36. Take into account that if your spirit has traversed. and will have to pass through these seven stages, it is because one single human life is not enough to give the spirit all the perfection that he needs in order to be able to sit on the right hand of the Father.

37. These seven stages are a reflection, an image of the seven stages that your spirit has to go through in eternity. And the merits, the experience, and the evolution that you will acquire within these seven stages, or Seven Seals, shall be taken into account by the Father.

38. Your spirit will be learning what those seven steps are, which form part of the infinite number of steps of the ladder that Jacob contemplated in his dreams: the Ladder of Perfection of the spirits.

44. The theologians of the great Christian religions do not even concern themselves about these things; they cover up and hide them so that they do not have to explain them because they are unable to understand them.

47. But the time will come when there will be talk all over the world about the sealed ones of Israel; about the tribes of the people of God, of the Seven Seals; about the signs regarding the advent of the Holy Spirit and about the return of the Word.

50. It is for you that the Father has opened infinite horizons, and a time has been prepared for you of spiritual revelations, of great peace and great knowledge; a time for truthful worship and a true communication with the Creator.

51. That will be the time when every eye shall see Him, all ears will hear Him and every spirit shall feel His presence.

54. Ah! My brothers! If these things had been the concern of man long ago; if the generations who held in their hands the prophecies of John, had understood that great revelation that the Father bequeathed to Mankind through the apostle, everyone would have prayed and been watchful, pleading enlightenment from the Father, the illumination to feel His coming and prepare themselves for the events that drew near.

57. And now, my brothers, new calamities are drawing near, great hecatombs and cataclysms, enormous trials for Mankind; new mournful sounds of pain and greater cups of bitterness that the world must yet drink.

58. Ah! If Mankind would have prepared themselves, the trials would not be so painful nor their darkness so great.

From Explanation No. 31

The Divine Master has told you through His teachings that He has not come to officiate like a minister; that He has not come to practice any ritual, nor celebrate any ceremony.

He has reminded you that, in the Second Era, He gave the world an example by not erecting altars nor lighting candles, or hymn-singing.

4. When He selected His twelve disciples, He did not use consecrated oil to anoint them, but by simply contemplating their preparation and seeing that they recognized Him, He said to them: "Follow Me" and that was enough.

5. Neither did the disciples of Jesus practice rituals or ceremonies, nor did they have a place to indoctrinate. They spoke the same in some small square as well as in the portico of a building, or along the road; a riverbank or in the desert. The place was indifferent to them, because they knew that the spirit, wherever he may be, is within the temple of God; that the Divine Sanctuary is the Universe; that the interior temple is the heart, and for them the temple was everywhere; everything was a sanctuary, everything was the pathway.

11. In the Second Era, Jesus never baptized with water. He did not celebrate that ritual. He said: "John baptized you with water, but I come to baptize you with the fire of My Spirit, with the fire of the Holy Spirit."

12. If Jesus said it in the Second Era, well now that you are in the plenitude of the Third Period, in the era of the Holy Spirit, you should understand that all of you receive the unction with the fire of His Spirit, fire that is love, life, and light.

13. Do not submit to those rituals, nor expect the Master to officiate as if he were a minister or priest.

17. When it pertains to a marriage, exempt yourselves from ostentatious and traditional dress, thus giving with it a testimony of your progress in the Spiritual Work of the Father. Do not carry in your hands any object to symbolize that union, and you must recognize that the Father contemplates a couple and imparts to them whatever is His Will, without the necessity of worldly things and without any intervention in such a solemn act.

20. And so in like manner, the rings, the waters, and coins; forgive my spirit for going into such material things but it is necessary. Those things belong to the past, and now you must render to the Father a worship that is close to spirituality, and that your deeds within the divine Work may be called spiritual.

You have the capability of rendering an elevated worship to the Divinity. Your spirit, in this Third Era, no longer needs such ceremonies to give validity to an act. It is enough that you enter in prayer and, through spirit to Spirit, you establish a covenant with the Father so that your conscience and your sense of responsibility will tell you that you must not profane the word that you have pledged.

24. You have no need of witnesses or rituals, or worldly commitments in your lifetime to give strength to those sacraments.

28. How many concepts and how many dogmas will the theologians have to rectify because of the revelations of the Holy Spirit!

29. Because it will not be man who will clarify to Humanity all the mysteries, but rather it will be the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth who will do it, just as the Divine Master promised in the Second Era.

From Explanation No. 40

13. Control your ego with energy; do not be so concerned about your name and your person. Forget about yourselves altogether so as to think only of the Father and of your brethren.

14. In that way, through your humility, your spirituality, your acknowledgement, and your renunciation, you will obtain the divine, spiritual complacencies in exchange for losing the small material pleasures.

17. It is this Spiritualist Trinitarian Marian Doctrine of the spirit that comes to teach you the perfect worship of God, since its maxims dignify and elevate; its teachings dematerialize the spirit, cleaning out the physical body of every vice and of all superfluous, unnecessary, or impure practices.

18. You can say with certainty that Spiritualism is the most elevated revelation that God has made for man, because before entrusting you with this knowledge, the Father first made you live two Eras during which He prepared you for this one in which you now live.

19. Spiritualism is destined by the Father to be extended all over the Earth, because the evolution of Humanity will allow it to be comprehended. It is the light that the world needs; it is the lesson that, without knowing it, every spirit yearns for.

21. In the same way that the Law in the First Period, and Christianism in the Second, were not religions, the Spiritualist Trinitarian Marian Doctrine is not, in the Third Period, a religion.

22. God is the One who imparted His Law in the First Period, His Doctrine of love in the Second Era, and His inspirations and revelations in this Third Period, and it is man who has created religions, who has taken the divine Law and Doctrine and given them a materialized form.

23. Man has cut down branches of the great, corpulent tree which is the Divine Wisdom, to cultivate them at his will and within his reach.

24. You should know that the Spiritualist Work is Trinitarian because it contains the essence and the wisdom of the teachings which God has entrusted to Humanity in the three periods and that you are the ones responsible for manifesting before Mankind the Trinitarian Works within this phase of the Holy Spirit.

25. This Doctrine is above every sect and religion, above every theory or idea; its essence, its own existence, is universal and is not subject to regulations or theories. It is ample and infinite and everyone who professes and follows it must manifest it with that same amplitude.

26. The Master will be presenting to each one of you along the way, the opportunities and occasions when you should speak out with great clarity, with tact, with keenness, to reach with words inspired by Him, into the innermost profoundness of your brothers' hearts.

27. You do not know if each heart which you cultivate in that manner, will likewise awaken two or more hearts, and if within that spirit which you have awakened, there is hidden from view a guide who will arise to lead a people toward regeneration, to liberty, and to spirituality.

28. Remember that when you find yourself before the heart of Humanity, not even the most hardened criminal is a pervert or evil in essence, and that all beings and all creatures who populate the Universe, have something good and noble within, because everything comes from the same origin: the bosom, all goodness and love of the Father.

30. Love is a word whose essence is spiritual; it is a concept that comes from the Divine Spirit. Love does not take on material forms, but rather it manifests itself in sentiments, in actions, in words.

31. Brothers: Love is self-sacrifice and renunciation.

32. When there is love in a living being, everything is excused because of that love; all is forgiven, all is endured and there is sacrifice, be it for the love of the woman for the man, or the man for the woman; for the friend to a friend, or for the brother to a brother. In that love between them is manifested tolerance, charity, and sacrifice. Nothing is perceived with defects, all is ennoblement and beauty.

33. How many beautiful forms of manifestations love has!

34. Brothers: love is divine, it is spiritual.

35. And in a spirit of light, in the illuminated spirit, all of him is love, knowledge, and wisdom, and that is why in the spirits of light, everything is forgiveness, sacrifice, renunciation, and goodness.

36. That is how the spirits of those beings are, and as guardians and friends, by order of our beloved Father, they come near you to advise you, to comfort you, to love you.

37. When good will is manifested among you and you treat each other with fondness and affection, a smile appears on your lips. You look at each other with tenderness and your words are simple and sweet. Then happiness is outlined on your face and you stretch out your hand with love, and that is because among you is a spiritual guardian, a spirit of light. It is then that you feel a disinterested love overcoming you, unselfish, capable of imparting goodness to Humanity and there is also within you, through the influence of the Spiritual world of light, forgiveness, charity, and sacrifice toward your brethren.

38. But, Ah! How much sadness there is within us, your guardians and custodians, when you fall prey to envy, to ambition, avarice, and materialism. Then begins a disarrangement within you and those beautiful sentiments turn into hate and bad will. You no longer feel the needs of your brethren. Your heart, which should be a miracle basket from where bread and blessings pour, becomes transformed into a nest of snakes. That sincere joy disappears, the smile flees from your face, and you take on a grimace of evil.

39. What hindrance is this to the limpid flow of your conscience? What evil sentiments flow from your heart? What moves you to betray your own self?

40. Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. This is the law of cause and effect. Because of this law, when you permit that your mind gives way to sinful thoughts and when you allow bad sentiments to emerge from your heart, what can you expect from it, but fruits of evil?

41. Perchance do you believe that flowers can emerge from rocks or sweetness from bitterness?

42. What good vibrations, what nice words of love, what good sentiments can pour from a corrupt heart?

43. If you believe in goodness, then think of goodness, do good, live in goodness.

44. Banish the evil from your mind and heart, remove it from your life. To do so, you can count on the spiritual weapons that God has given you.

From Explanation No. 50

2. Through the teaching of the Master you know that before the beginning of time, before the Universe existed, those beings who had emerged from the bosom of God, surrounded the Father in the Great Beyond.

3. Many of those spirits, dazzled by the splendors that the Lord placed upon them, allowed themselves to be dominated by arrogance and the Lord, on contemplating them weak and with limited elevation, in His infinite love for those creatures, created for them a material Universe where those children would have the opportunity, restituting and acknowledging their faults, to return cleansed to the bosom of God. Thus, those spirits incarnated on Earth and they reveled in all the grace and beauty of Nature.

4. This dwelling in which you live, was created by our Father to provide a home for man and everything necessary for the evolution and perfection of his spirit.

5. You have been told that the formation of the worlds and of all the wonders of Creation took place in seven great stages, symbolized by seven days.

6. This, my brothers, is only an expression, a metaphor, so that you may comprehend that what to you may seem like an eternity, it is only an instant for the Divine Spirit.

7. Everything was prepared and in order in a perfect form.

8. Man, his spirit endowed with intelligence and will, began taking his first steps along the road of evolution, so as to reach through self-effort, his development and elevation. In this manner he would be capable of knowing and loving his Lord and returning to Him with the necessary merits after an existence of struggle, to call himself son of God with dignity, because a pure spirit is not the same as a fully-evolved spirit.

9. To achieve those divine objectives, the Father endowed the material Creation with the breath of life, with that vital force that you call soul.

The soul, my brothers, as like the spirit and every creature in their different scales, also needs to evolve so that, at the end of time, man may reign fully over everything the Father has created for his benefit and fulfills in that manner His divine mandates.

11. From that breath of life, which vibrates in all Creation, God formed the human soul. But do not confuse the spirit with the soul; the spirit is essence and the soul is substance.

12. The spirit is part of the Father Himself. The soul is the subtle element by which the spirit manifests himself in the material universe.

13. Even the soul, being so ethereal and transparent, do you believe that it existed before the material Creation? No, my brothers. It is the spirit who has been in existence even before the material world was and does not need anymore substance than the divine love from whence he emerged.

14. And so that the children of God could be able to assess their own deeds, He granted them the conscience, a spark of His Divine Spirit which, as a guide and advisor, would dictate to them what would be convenient for their state of constant development and in that way would direct them toward righteousness and make them reject evil.

15. Man, throughout the times, has tried to erroneously personify evil and has designated it under different names, which has caused origination of myths and superstitious cults, and which is not in accord with the spiritual evolution that you have attained. You know, through the word of the Father, that no being exists which has been created by God whose mission is to commit evil.

16. Thus you will see, my brothers, that the Father Creator endowed his children with everything necessary to know Him, understand Him, and love Him, and at every moment He illuminated and instructed them so that they would be close to Him and not feel like strangers and absentees, but rather close and loved with infinite tenderness by their Lord.

17. Here then, is the why of the creation of man.

18. In the parable of the Paradise, you are told of the forbidden fruit of the science of evil, that man should never have tasted; of the serpent, which is the symbol of temptation, and of the low inclinations of the flesh. And in that parable you are told the story of how temptation presented itself to man with that bad fruit, and the latter on taking a bite, lost that Paradise that the Father had given him for his recreation and evolution.

19. You know, through the teachings of this Era, that "the flesh revealed to man the secrets of the human life and the spirit revealed to the flesh the existence of the Father Creator." This was the beginning of the development and evolution of man.

20. And in order for those creatures, who lived in a state of innocence, to love and understand the Father in all His greatness, He permitted them, in His infinite wisdom, to renounce, because of their free will, a life of contemplation and peace, and initiate for them a world of struggle and labor, but at the same time of evolution and merits.

21. By this you can understand that "the true Paradise" was not outside those children, but rather within themselves.

22. You must also remember that the primitive law given to Adam and Eve for the propagation of the human species was "Grow and multiply and fill the Earth," and within the fulfillment of that mandate, there was no evil or sin. Now the Divine Master has told you that you should grow in wisdom and multiply in deeds of love and charity.

23. And from the seed of Adam and Eve appeared Cain and Abel, symbolizing the two roads that the spirit encountered from the beginning: the pathway to righteousness and the pathway to evil.

24. The pathway to righteousness, where the virtues exist, was outlined by the love of God and is symbolized by Abel; the pathway of evil, represented by Cain, is the one made by man to convert those virtues into sin.

25. And the generations that followed those first people, populated the world, penetrating more each time into the pathway of evil and fighting righteousness.

26. On contemplating that in that struggle evil was greater than goodness, the Father sent His justice through the Flood.

27. Only the just Noah was saved from the waters by the Lord, together with his family and every animal specie, and from that salvation emerged the generations which inhabit your world today.

28. After the symbolic forty days of the Flood, the Lord placed the rainbow of peace across the sky as a sign of reconciliation with Mankind, symbolizing, with its seven colors, the seven virtues which are the seven spirits who surround the Father. The rainbow remained as a sign of peace and cordiality between the Heaven and the Earth, as a symbol of the first covenant of the Father with Humanity.

29. Continue studying, my brothers, and you will know through the new generations that when the children of God reach the culmination of their development, they will once again feel in their spirit the beatitude and the peace which they experienced before the beginning of the times. This is the true significance of the lost Paradise, which the spirit will recover through his evolution, when he has made himself worthy to enter the Kingdom of the Father, which is the spiritual perfection.

From Explanation No. 65

3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Spiritualism in this Era, comes to clarify the mystery of the law of reincarnation of the spirits; law of justice and of love, clearly explaining the why of its existence, the why of its justice; a law that could not be lacking among the divine laws, because if this were so, the Divine Spirit would cease to be perfect and just.

4. The Lord did not reveal this law amply in past times because the evolution of your spirit did not allow it. It was not yet the time for those things to be revealed; nevertheless, there were some signs of it in past times.

6. And the spirit of man had, since the first eras, a deep, intimate intuition that the incarnation of the spirit existed.

7. In how many spirits, ever since the first periods of Humanity, harbored the idea of returning to this Earth after death! Some, for not being satisfied with their experiences in life; others, because they had left undone a chore to which they had dedicated all their life and their effort; and for that, the spirit felt the need, the immense desire to return, to revive, to reincarnate and finish the work they had begun.

8. Thus, many spirits harbored an intuition that the law existed.

9. One of the greater indications that the Father left translucent to the people of Israel in the First Era, was through Elijah, the named Prophet of the Chariot of Fire.

10. Elijah signifies "ray of God" in archaic Hebrew and you may find the signs of His presence in that era if you study mythology and the traditions of very ancient cultures.

11. Elijah, the prophet, the great spirit who, today, in the Third Era, has been preparing you and watches over you, illuminating you with his light, had incarnated in that era and was recognized by the people of Israel.

12. His power was great; His word resembled the thunder. The justice that God manifested through Him was imperious, inexorable, and was feared by all, feared by His power, by His strength, by His zeal, and the great manifestations through which his spirit acted upon his flesh.

13. He was the envoy of God and he allowed himself to be put to the test by the multitudes, by the idolatrous worshipers. It was he who fought the idolatry of men with his miracles and he knew how to get things done, with the power of God.

14. In the Second Era, the Lord granted the same spirit of Elijah to return to earth.

15. When the time drew near in which the Messiah was to preach His word among men, John the Baptist emerged and, as the forerunner of the Divine Master, descended from the mountains to prepare and reprimand the people, from the most powerful to the most humble, exhorting them to do penance, advocating preparation, spirituality, and regeneration, for the "Kingdom of Heaven" was drawing near - the promised Messiah.

16. And the word of the Baptist was so great and powerful, so full of light, of reclamation and justice, that the people who heard him became confused and talked among themselves: "Could he be the Messiah, the long-awaited Christ?" And John, who saw the confusion of the people, would tell them: "No, I am the one who has come to prepare the pathways of the Lord, to get them ready, as I am not even worthy of untying the thongs of his sandals. I baptize with water, which is the symbol of repentance, but behind me comes the One who will baptize you with the fire of His Spirit."

17. And the people would ask him, even the Pharisees themselves: "Are you Elijah, then?" And the crowds were confused and asked among themselves: "Is it Elijah?"

18. They felt that that light, that gaze and those words set their hearts on fire, extinguishing sin with its flame, illuminating within them with a light fraught with power, and that is what made them ask him if he was Elijah.

19. There you have it, the intuition of the people: the same spirit of Elijah was in John, and the Divine Master many times in His Word said to His disciples: "Truly I say to you that Elijah has been very close to you and you have not recognized him."

20. Many times the Divine Master repeated these words, and they deliberated among themselves and said: "Was John by chance Elijah?" since they felt that in John was the same spirit of Elijah, the same light, the same power, the same justice.

21. These and other indications that you may find by scrutinizing the scriptures of past times, the Lord delivered to His people so that when the latter reached the proper evolution and elevation spiritually, they would become capable of receiving the revelations which the Holy Spirit is imparting to you today.

22. In this era, from the first to the last one of you, knows that you belong to the people of Israel; that you are the same people who have been reincarnating from body to body since the First Era, passing from one life to another, following the footsteps of the Lord up to this period.

23. Intimately you know it. The faith, the intuition, and the knowledge of this is firm in each one of you.

24. You recognize that you are the same ones who sought the Lord, when in the First Era, you followed Moses along the desert; that you are the same ones who testified many times through your existence the coming of the Messiah in the Second Era, and you know, too, that you are now again on Earth under the protective shadow of His mantle, listening once more to His word and receiving His Law once again.

25. You have returned to the world in the flesh to establish a new covenant with His Divinity.

26. And many ask themselves: "Which one is the true people of Israel? Is it the one who is being called and marked by the Lord to be His spiritual servant, or is it the one who carries within his veins the Hebrew blood?" And the spiritual world of light once again clarifies these things.

27. When the Divine Master, the Messiah, appeared among the people of Israel in the Second Era, many were waiting for His presence; but, who were really the ones who were waiting for him?

28. The simple ones, the ones who knew that the Messiah would come to redeem the spirits, to free them from sin, lifting them from the disgrace of the world.

29. And they were waiting for Him as He came, humble and gentle, without any material greatness, without scepter or crown, without a throne on this Earth; they are the ones who heard the angels sing: "Glory be to God in the highest and peace on Earth to all men of good will!"

30. They were the ones who followed Him along the pathways, from town to town, from village to village, along the deserts, valleys, and mountains, along the river banks, taking pleasure in His celestial Word, storing, within their heart and spirit, a wealth of wisdom.

31. They are the ones who were blessed with the triumphs of the Master; who praised His name on seeing His miracles and wonders; who accompanied Him in His travels, and who wept at the foot of the cross.

32. They were also the ones who received the Kingdom of Heaven in their own spirit and who understood for what purpose the Messiah had come, and why their God had become man.

37. Even in this era you have Israel divided into two factions: the one, the true Israel, the spiritual Israel, who feels the call of his Master and the influence of His voice, and who has awaited for Him according to His promise; the suffering people who have forsaken all that is material, ready to obey Him, to love Him, and to follow Him to the end.

38. But the other Israel, there you have seen it wandering for centuries, full of material riches, still waiting for their Messiah, the warrior, the strong one with material power. And there you see them, dominating the world with its moneybag, shaking Humanity and leading it to chaos, to the abyss and to war, with its earthly power.

41. But the hour of justice is at hand and the Father is with His people once more and the latter with Him and He has made His calling to some and to the others, and here then, you have come forward, my brothers, with the spirit prepared to receive from Him the crystalline water of His fountain of teachings; His spiritual satisfactions, the liberation and redemption of your spirit.

42. And they will come, the other portion of Israel, to contemplate their Lord, no longer in the material like when He came to shed His blood for them, too. They will now come called by the voice of the Holy Spirit, and the justice of the Father will spread over the pathway of each one, saying to them: "Stop! Hold the balance with your right hand and judge your own works," and then intuition will awaken and will make them acknowledge that they, too, are the former and the same.

43. And they will come to meet you, my brothers, and they will reclaim the name of Israel, and it will be then when you will explain to them that you are the true people of Israel, because you have reincarnated, because you have returned by the calling of God in this Third Era, in fulfillment of His Word.

44. You are the spiritual Israel, the true people of God; you are the ones who, congregated in different places of the Earth, have reincarnated from body to body, from life to life, until reaching this period when you now have the Master among you once again.

46. The understanding of the law of reincarnation will enlighten many problems that face Humanity; it will resolve many conflicts, will smooth out many difficulties and will explain many mysteries.

47. And, to understand it better, you should realize that it follows the law of restitution.

48. The Father talks to you about spiritual restitution and you already understand it. How many times during your trials or suffering, you are reassured, saying: "This may well be because of a spiritual restitution which I am fulfilling!"

49. Because you know that you have inhabited this world before, though you do not know how many times, and that you could have offended the Father; also, you may have left many works undone and committed many wrongs which you now want to erase.

50. God has judged all spirits in a perfect way within His infinite justice, through reincarnation!

52. Up until now, Spiritualism has not revealed to you your previous lives, nor has the Master nor has His spiritual world of light told you who you were in past lives, what name you had and to what sex did you belong; what were your faults and your successes. Nothing of this nature has been revealed to you yet. Your Father has only said: "Israel, you and those others are the same ones, and you are now in the time of restitution, of evolution and perfection."

53. When you have a profound and ample knowledge of what the spiritual restitution is, and what is the reincarnation of the spirit, how great will your elevation be in the face of those trials! How much resignation there will be before those sufferings, and how much conformity and love in your own destiny!

54. And when this knowledge and this faith becomes a reality among Humanity, how great an elevation will there also be in the spirit of Mankind!

55. The fatalism of man will disappear and so will the desperation disappear, as well as the confusion and the unconformity, and also the blasphemy of many.

56. Why, in their desperation, do men commit suicide in this era? Why do they put an end to their own course of life?

57. Because they have not wanted to make use of their spiritual fortitude to go through the bitter situation with courage; they are unable to comprehend the extent of the significance to their spirit the fact of doing away with their material existence, because they cannot understand that those trials that man goes through are due to spiritual restitution in order to wash away their blemishes and cleanse their spirit.

58. When man ignores these things, he loses his composure, he is blinded; he is unnerved and he does not feel with enough strength to hasten the pain.

59. My brothers, who among you who knows what the spiritual restitution is, the reincarnation of the spirit and the responsibility of your spirit before God, would dare to end the course of his material existence?

60. Who, among you, who knows the sacredness of the things that God has placed within your spirit, ignores how dreadful it would be for him to approach the Father without being cleansed and reach Him before the hour written in the Book of Life and of Eternity?

62. Why do married couples separate in this era? Why do men reject their women and the women turn away from their husbands, seeking protection in the material laws to separate?

63. Because they do not comprehend the responsibility and the significance of that act, that pact, that institution, because they lack the profound spiritual knowledge that two incarnated spirits who unite in marriage, have come to fulfill a very delicate mission and that they previously have had that destiny, that responsibility, and that restitution.

64. They ignore that, despite all the trials, of all the defects, of all the offenses, nothing nor anyone can separate their spirits, who are fulfilling their destiny and their restitution.

65. With regard to the word of the Father who reveals everything, how many must hold back, make an inward study of themselves and delve into the depths of their own destiny, until they reach the conclusion that they are fulfilling a difficult restitution, and for that reason, they must look for some way to understand each other; to tolerate one another, to forgive their defects and love each other and bear, to the end, that destiny and that restitution!

67. Why do many men and women seek refuge in vice? Why do they resort to degradation and their own destruction?

68. Because neither have they had the sufficient courage to go through the trials and pain, and because they have not found along the pathway of their lives a light, a word of advice, a guiding light, a support that will brace them and save them from the fall.

69. When men understand that they have come to this world to restitute and to temper the spirit, then they will not despair. When they learn that their present life is not the only one which they have lived, they will no longer reclaim to the Father that their existence had been unpleasant and painful for them.

70. When the spirits acknowledge that all of them have known of the pleasures; that all have savored milk and honey; that a period of earthly satisfactions has been granted to all, and that all of them have known about the vanities and material greatness, they will have understood that the time of restitution has come; the time to give back to the spirit all his strength, all his light, his purity, and limpidness.

71. Then, the human heart shall seek the most sound and noble satisfactions, freeing itself from all that is superfluous, from all that is unnecessary, liberating itself from the low passions, to enjoy itself spiritually in the practice of righteousness, of love and friendship, and will seek its enjoyment in honesty, in work that is sound and in the decent pleasures, without looking further for the deceiving splendors of this world.

72. But the Law of God, His Infinite and Spiritual Doctrine, does not have as its lone objective that man may live a better life in this existence only, but also prepares him for his spiritual life.

73. The divine intention, the finality of His Law and His Doctrine, revealed to man in all eras, has been that the spirit who dwells within him, always be prepared with the divine word and the light; to elevate himself in the struggle and to perfect himself along the pathway, complying with the law of evolution.

75. This life which you bear is the crucible in which the spirit is forged, and with each suffering he is accumulating experiences. Each undertaking, each mission, each step along this life, is a teaching that God imparts to the spirit.

76. Brothers, that is your material existence: a preparation for the true life, the spiritual life.

77. Do not look for death in your future; do not look for a sepulcher in your tomorrow, or the nothingness; look for the ALL, for Eternity, the Life, peace, and the joy.

78. Do not concern yourself too much with the things of the Earth, depriving your spirit from nourishing and also saturating himself with the teaching and freeing himself from complying with the spiritual law.

79. But also, do not, by practicing more in spiritual things, fall into the fanaticism of even mixing material things with the sublime things that pertain to the Work of the Lord.

80. Give to each thing whatever pertains to it, in its just and appropriate measure. Do not mix the name of the Lord with superfluous things.

81. The Law of the Father should not be an obsession in your spirit, because all the obsessions are bad. The Law of the Father must live within you in a natural way, simple and pure, so that you may put it into practice at the proper moments, also practicing the duties of the Earth at the appropriate moment, devoting yourself to them with a good disposition and conscience.

82. My brothers, only in that manner can you dignify the Work of the Father among Humanity; only in that way will you be able to set a good example among Mankind.

83. Others should not contemplate that these people, indoctrinated by the Lord, materialize His Work, and neither must they contemplate that you exceed yourselves and fall into fanaticism and obsession. You must teach what the Master told you in the Second Era: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's!"